We had a really great symposium today at the National Archives at Atlanta, Secret City in the Tennessee Hills: From Dogpatch to Nuclear Power. Approximately 120 people from seven states attended the all day sessions.
There were six speakers:
1. Welcome to the Archives - Joel Walker
2. The Records of the AEC - Shane Bell
3. The History of Y-12 - Ray Smith
4. The Girls of Atomic City - Denise Kiernan
5. Special Recognition - Bill Wilcox was presented a special award for his work to preserve the history of Oak Ridge
6. Oak Ridge: From Secret City to Municipality - Jim Campbell
7. The Post War Boom in Nuclear Power - James Mahaffey
One of the features of the symposium was a display room made possible by the loan of 48 Ed Westcott photographs and displays of documents from the archives.
Here is a link to the symposium:http://www.archives.gov/southeast/secret-city-symposium/
Chris Stevens receives the "Citizen Archivist" award for his father, J. T. Stevens. Presented by Joel Walker and Rob Richards of the National Archives at Atlanta.
Bill Wilcox receives the "Citizen Archivist" award.