SmithDRay Blog
Monday, 11 March 2013
New books recently published
I have recently published four books:

Oak Ridge Friendship Bell  (Click title to go to publisher) contains all the articles published on the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell.

Oak Ridge Friendship Bell Photo Book (select Bell 3-20)
(Click here to send me an email and I will order the book for you...My Publisher does not make it easy for you to order my books, sorry!) contains photos of Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell

2008 Historically Speaking (Click title to go to publisher) contains all Historically Speaking articles published in The Oak Ridger during 2008.

Nanyehi: The Nancy Ward Musical (Click title to go to publisher) contains photos of the musical when presented in Hartwell, GA. in April, 2012.

Posted by smithdray at 2:29 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 March 2013 2:39 PM EDT
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Jim and Jennifer Goodpasture's wedding

Jim Goodpasture and Jennifer Williams were married on October 6, 2012. at a beautiful setting on a farm in Townsend. 




Click on this link to see the entire album: 


Posted by smithdray at 8:52 PM EDT
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Secret City in the Tennessee Hills: From Dogpatch to Nuclear Power

We had a really great symposium today at the National Archives at Atlanta, Secret City in the Tennessee Hills: From Dogpatch to Nuclear Power.  Approximately 120 people from seven states attended the all day sessions.

There were six speakers:

1. Welcome to the Archives - Joel Walker

2. The Records of the AEC - Shane Bell

3. The History of Y-12 - Ray Smith

4. The Girls of Atomic City - Denise Kiernan

5. Special Recognition - Bill Wilcox was presented a special award for his work to preserve the history of Oak Ridge

6. Oak Ridge: From Secret City to Municipality - Jim Campbell

7. The Post War Boom in Nuclear Power - James Mahaffey

One of the features of the symposium was a display room made possible by the loan of 48 Ed Westcott photographs and displays of documents from the archives.










Here is a link to the symposium:









Chris Stevens receives the "Citizen Archivist" award for his father, J. T. Stevens. Presented by Joel Walker and Rob Richards of the National Archives at Atlanta.








Bill Wilcox receives the "Citizen Archivist" award.

Posted by smithdray at 9:59 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 September 2012 9:34 PM EDT
Sunday, 12 August 2012
New Book: 2008 Historically Speaking

New book published!  This is the third publication in the Historically Speaking series published first in The Oak Ridger newspaper as weekly articles.


















Click on link above or photo to preview or purchase book. 


Posted by smithdray at 9:12 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 August 2012 9:18 PM EDT
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell book

















New book of Hisorically Speaking articles on the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell.  Click on link above or photo to preview or purchase book. 




Posted by smithdray at 12:48 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 August 2012 12:50 AM EDT
Saturday, 7 July 2012
New book published - Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell
Topic: books

NEW BOOK!  Click on link or on book to preview the entire book.

 Your Book

This new book of photos of the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell sells for $35. Please contact me by email at, or by phone at 865-482-4224, if you are interested in purchasing a copy.



Posted by smithdray at 8:20 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 July 2012 8:29 PM EDT
Sunday, 6 May 2012

Supermoon of May 5. 2012, also known as a Perigree Moon, shined so bright at 11:30 PM that the stars were not to be seen.


Posted by smithdray at 1:34 AM EDT
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
A Nuclear Family - Episode 2


The next episode of the East TN PBS special documentary film series, A Nuclear Family: Y-12 National Security Complex, The Manhattan District, will be broadcaston Thursday, February 23, 2012, at 9:00 PM on East TN PBS, channel 2.  It will be broadcast again on Sunday, February 26, 2012, at 7:00 PM.  You may view the trailer to the series at:


The program will be available online at the above link after it has been broadcast on East TN PBS.  Episode 1 can be viewed there now, if you missed it in January.


Episodes three and four will be broadcast on the last Thursday and following Sunday of March and April 


Posted by smithdray at 11:13 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 11:31 PM EST
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Ed Westcott's 90th Birthday Celebration

Ed Westcott, famous photographer of the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge and the Department of Energy celebrated his 90th Birthday at the American Museum of Science and Energy.  I was honored to be the emcee of his celebration.  See some photos:


Posted by smithdray at 12:34 AM EST
Friday, 27 January 2012
A Nuclear Family
Topic: History

Check out the latest video on the history of Oak Ridge and the Y-12 National Security Complex:

A Nuclear Family Episode 1 - I've Seen it


Posted by smithdray at 7:04 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 28 January 2012 9:50 PM EST

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