Catesby's Trillium, a beautiful variety of wildflower and one of the more rare and delicate of the Trilliums.

Spring wildflowers make you think of beauty in small things.
Spring wildflowers remind us of the reliability of the seasons and help us to focus on the things in our life that mean the most to us.
Our family and special friends seem more real when we take the time to admire God's handywork in wildflowers. Each of us can become more alive when the wonderful season of spring touches our lives through the beauty of wildflowers. Remember, you are special to others in your life and YOU can make the spring wildflowers special for your family and special friends. As God brings the beauty of wildflowers each spring, we each
can bring beauty and freshness to the lives of those we love.
Take time to LOVE each other! We can be ENCOURAGED by God's annual display of beauty in wildflowers and we can ENCOURAGE those we love! Let's resolve to spend more time with our loved ones!

Whorled Trillium - extremely rare wildflower with beauty in form, texture and color

REMEMBER: Beauty can be found in simple things.
Beauty can be seen in wildflowers.
To see the beauty in simple wildflowers, take the time to look at the small things and get close to the see the beauty in those you love, take the time to look at the small things and get close...
Take the time to ENJOY LIFE with those you love and that LOVE YOU!
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