Manna Dominican Republic

Evangelism Program

Nathanael, Jaoquin, Rachalina, Joaquin Jr. and Arselina Parras

All of the ministries of Manna Dominican Republic are done with the intent on ultimately bringing people to the Lord. Joaquin Parra is the Director of Evangelism for Manna DR and assists in the other ministry areas wherever he can be of service.

Joaquin Parra, along with his wife Arselina and children Raquelina, Joaquin Jr., and Nathan, joined Manna in 1997 when the Wallaces came from Haiti to begin Manna’s efforts in the DR.

Currently, there is a church that meets each Sunday at the Manna camp. Attendance usually ranges from 30-37 people. Joaquin is also focusing his efforts in the nearby town of Rio San Juan. Going from house to house, Joaquin is visiting and studying the scriptures with anyone interested. The goal is to start a congregation in this town that has a population of roughly 7,000 people.

Joaquin and others are actively involved with sharing the gospel through his work in Rio San Juan, using short term mission teams who conduct VBS’s in different villages, the Magi Christmas gift program, teaching the children at the Children’s Home, and teaching at the community meetings associated with the drilling program.

The evangelistic work was begun initially at Ermita Village. It began in December 1997 with the Magi Christmas gift program. Bible studies continued from that point being led by Joaquin and Benjamin Bautista until 2001. Joaquin then continued the studies with Augustine Diaz up to the present time. Now, there are 45 children present at a Saturday bible lesson and there are also some ongoing Bible studies with adults.

In 2001, a work was also started in the village of Yagua, which is a small coastal community. On Sunday mornings, 8 Christians and 5 visitors meet for worship in a small palm-leaf shelter next to the ocean.

Brother Alvarez Perez, from the city of Puerto Plata, assisted in a work in the town of Nagua. Through bible studies with youth and adults, a church of 20 was formed. Alvarez continued this work until 2003 when he needed to move back to Puerto Plata. We appreciate his work in Nagua, as well as the assistance he gave to Brother José Santos. Alvarez and José worked together to try and reach people in the village of Payita. We praise the Lord for the willingness of these men to help us in this work.

While the main evangelical focus of the work is now in Rio San Juan, we pray for the Lord’s guidance and direction to lead us to the people who need to hear His message and open doors for us to proclaim the Good News of salvation.

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