SmithDRay Blog
Friday, 28 November 2014
2009 Historically Speaking
Topic: books

Just published 2009 Historically Speaking the fourth annual publication of newspaper columns first published in The Oak Ridger.

The book is available in hardback and as an ebook at




2009 Historically Speaking is the fourth annual volume of historical articles published in The Oak Ridger newspaper. Like others in this series, the weekly stories vary from purely historical events to human interest stories such as the "Two Brothers - A World War II Story" that tells of the struggles these brothers had during the war. One of the series of articles included is the amazing story of the "Oak Ridge Bombers" a semi-professional baseball team from Oak Ridge that existed from the time of the Manhattan Project into the 1960's. This was a proud group of African American men! The history of R & R Properties is included and Rick Chinn wrote the Foreword for the book. The history and some of the unusual events held at the University of Tennessee's Arboretum is included. Finally the history of the Comparative Animal Research Laboratory is also featured. I was pleased to capture these details of Oak Ridge history and am glad to bring them to you in this annual book form.


Ray Smith 


Posted by smithdray at 10:38 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 3 January 2015 12:48 AM EST
Saturday, 7 July 2012
New book published - Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell
Topic: books

NEW BOOK!  Click on link or on book to preview the entire book.

 Your Book

This new book of photos of the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell sells for $35. Please contact me by email at, or by phone at 865-482-4224, if you are interested in purchasing a copy.



Posted by smithdray at 8:20 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 July 2012 8:29 PM EDT
Friday, 24 December 2010
A new Photo Book by Ray Smith - Fall 2010
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: books

Here is a photo book published at the suggestion of those who saw the photographs I made this fall.  It was an unusual fall and was actually quite short for good color.  I had to seek out specific locations as one side of a hill would have color and the other side not.  One elevation might have color and below or above that level would not.  I found that getting close up helped and I really appreciated my 100 mm close up lens.


Click on link below to preview book:



Posted by smithdray at 9:03 PM EST
Monday, 24 November 2008
Historically Speaking books - available in hardback
Mood:  happy
Topic: books

The following books have been published IN HARDBACK online and are available at  and at

2006 Historically Speaking - articles published in The Oak Ridger during 2006

2007 Historically Speaking 1944 Troop Train Wreck - articles publishe in The Oak Ridger telling the story of the 1944 troop train wreck in Jellico, Tennessee

Historical Sketches of Oak Ridge Schools - articles about the history of the Oak Ridge Schools (this book is published in FULL COLOR)

2007 Historically Speaking - articles published in The Oak Ridger during 2007

Delina - the history of a small crossroads community in Middle Tennessee written by Haskell Roden and edited by me

2008 Historically Speaking - COMING January, 2009


Posted by smithdray at 8:51 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 11 June 2009 11:14 PM EDT

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